So here I sit. I'm in what the American's have deemed the "watering hole" on campus. It is so quiet and so very peaceful. (Except for the awful noises that the birds make here... when people hear the noise when I skype with them, they ask if there are babies crying in the hallway. haha. Nope, just the horrible sounding birds...).
Going back to Brisbane...
We stepped off the plane in Brisbane and had our last chance to purchase things at Duty Free (tax free) where prices were still cheap, American prices. I really had no idea what was going to hit me as far as Australian prices... but now I know why those stores are such a big hit. Next feat was customs. Even though I had absolutely nothing to hide, I was still a little nervous. We had to fill out information cards on the plane and they asked us questions like 'do you have food that you shouldn't have, or medication that would be considered illegal, or dirt or soil with you', etc etc... Well I was pretty free and clear of all that, but I still had the goodies that Mrs. Schuiling had sent me off with. 2 bags of Doritos and some sugar gumdrops were all that was left, and surprisingly, they let me through with them! (thank gosh... little did I know that bag of cheddar Doritos was going to be my last for the next 3.5 months! *weakness*).
I got lucky... but poor Lauren from Alabama, did not. There are people that get randomly searched while going through customs. Well little Lauren from Alabama is possibly the sweetest, most precious girl on this trip. Just cute as a button. She was one that got randomly searched. Poor thing tried to break in her new tennis shoes while still in the US and had a small line of dirt on them. Customs found this and wrote her up for a minor infraction. Hardcore! Thank goodness, this was just a warning but if she's ever "caught" again, she has to pay a whopping $250. (We overheard another person on the plane was wrote up for bringing a banana through).
The next step was to check our luggage. So Faith, Lauren, and I all checked our baggage. The rest of the group was asked to carry it with them (for some reason... we're still not totally sure why). Shortly after we checked our luggage, we met Sheila (who turned out to be the partial founder of AustraLearn. and SUCH a sweetie). She explained that the directors had made an executive decision, one hour prior to her meeting us, that we were cancelling the trip to Cairns, as there was a massive Category 5 hurricane headed straight for the coast.
From there, chaos somewhat broke out.
[Side note: Earlier I mentioned that being on the Group Flight "saved my life". Well, with the financial complications presented in early January, my flight with all of the other students was almost jeopardized. That being said, I would have been on the flight to Cairns and possibly had to endure the hurricane.]
The first issue being, I need my luggage that just got put on that plane to Cairns!!!!!! I had just checked all of my belongings and was about to be without them until God knows when. Next thing was to talk to home. I was like a fish out of water and all I wanted to do was hear a familiar voice. Anyone. Especially Dustin's. I turned on my phone and had absolutely no signal whatsoever. It was dead. I was devastated. I understand that this sounds very very dramatic, but I can barely describe the emotions that were running through me. I had just picked up and left everything and everyone familiar and was not even in the same country anymore. I wanted familiar so badly. After Sheila had told us everything she knew up to the moment (which wasn't much... she didn't know where we were staying or how we were getting out of the airport) we all sat by the baggage claim as a group. Some got food, some called home from payphones, and I sat down with my computer. This is when I realized that the luxury of free wifi was no longer. In the US, we're used to swimming in free Wifi. Here, you have to pay for it. Little did I know, that the following week, it would cost me upwards of $60 in Internet just to have communication with home. So I paid for Internet and skyped D. Thank GOODNESS he was on. As soon as I saw his face, I started crying. He hadn't even said, "Hi babe..." yet. I didn't know what was happening to me!!!! I have been on my own for so long, why was I breaking down?? And what was with the tears?!?! Here I was, middle of the airport. people everywhere, sitting on the floor with tears rolling down my cheeks. I knew I had made the right decision to come to Australia, but I had no idea it'd feel like this. We skyped for a few minutes. I told him to call my family, tell them we didn't get caught in Hurricane Yasi, and then got whisked away to go capture my luggage. (Which was a success!)
Next thing we know, a man that acts like he knows something walked up and started talking to our group. It was Tour-Guide Todd. :o)
He explained that buses were on the way to pick us up and we were likely going to be staying in an Australian Hostel (the YHA, they are popular here...) in Brisbane. It was a step down from what we were supposed to be staying in, because ICMS owns a hotel up in Cairns which is supposed to be quite nice. Regardless, we were excited to know that we'd have a bed to sleep in after travelling 2 days to get to Australia. Our next question was... will we be making it to Cairns at all throughout the week?? We didn't like the answer... but our safety was of highest priority.
Tour Guide Todd was an AustraLearn leader from America (Colorado) but had lived in Brisbane for the past 16 months. He was never supposed to meet us. He has is own group of students to be placing into internships. Because of the hurricane, most of the AustraLearn staff was stuck in Carins so he got elected to be our fearless leader . Next came the squishy ball game. You all know it... and probably all hate it. Somewhere, somehow, he found a squishy ball, made us get in a circle and play the awfully dreaded 'name game'. This ended up being good for him and good for us, as well as a Brisbane legend. Directions: When the ball gets passed to you, you say your name and something you like that starts with the same letter as your name then repeat all the names that were said before you. It went like this: I'm Todd, and I like toast. I'm Lauren and I like lettuce and that is Todd and he likes toast. I'm Sam and I like string cheese, that is Lauren who likes lettuce and that is Todd who likes toast. I know, dreadful, isn't it?!?!! Low and behold a half hour later, we all new each other's names and our favorite things. Halfway through the game, some more Americans joined us that had just been pulled off the plane to Cairns (that did not fly into Brisbane with us on the Group Flight) and they were NOT happy. Here is where the wicked characters from MI get introduced. If you've talked to me personally, you know the ones I speak of. If you have not, I'm terribly sorry to leave you hanging, but even though they left a mark on me, they don't deserve to be put in my blog).
The Brisbane newspaper showed up and wanted pictures and a story. So we all hauled our luggage outside in the beautiful sunshine and posed. Jensen, Megan, and I got hauled to the front to pose with sad faces, leaning on eachother's shoulders. Yea, that's exactly what I wanted to do... after traveling for days, no makeup, and no shower... get put on the front page of the Brisbane paper so 1.6 million people can see it. They also interviewed one of the "wicked" girls and she kindly forewarned them, "I'm really not happy right now, so you probably don't want to hear from me." Well, the paper wanted a story... so mean girl was the first introduction of the American study abroad students that Brisbane had of us.
The buses finally arrived and we all packed on. All of our luggage wouldn't fit so a few fell behind and grabbed a cab with Sheila. We all met up at the YHA and couldn't check into our rooms until 2pm (it was still only 11am or so). We all paraded into a community room and Sheila and Todd unloaded all they knew up to that moment. They updated us that there were 8 Americans and quite a few AustraLearn leaders that were stuck in Cairns and their only option was to find an evacuation center and ride out the storm. The "wicked" girls decided that this was the best time to be impatient and pick a fight with poor Todd about how hungry they were and how they were getting treated like children (yes people, this is why we have an AWFUL reputation overseas). Lunch was next on the agenda and we walked about a block to a food-court type facility. I decided to branch out and live on the crazy side and enjoy Subway (minus the Doritos). $9 for a 6" and drink. This was really the point where I had to figure out where to pull out AUD or where I could use my regular debit card and so on...
Once we returned to the YHA, we picked roommates and settled into our rooms. I had the pleasure of rooming with Jenna (from New Jersey, attends Michigan State, and got nicknamed "mom" for the trip) and Liza (grew up in Russia, now lives in Maine, and is loads of fun). For the next few hours we made it homey, I skyped with Dustin, had our first Culture Information session, then got ready for dinner. Dinner was at a
nearby place called Transcontinental. I enjoyed some Spinach, Feta Ravioli. Dining out was different here... no free bread, no free salads, no free drink refills, and you barely get served. You have to go up to the counter to place your order. All servers are paid minimum wage here (around $20/hour) so it's not like America... you don't have to give the best possible service for the best possible tip.
We finally headed back to the hostel and most people got dressed up and hit the town. I, on the other hand, am nearly the oldest one here and have 'been there done that'. I needed and wanted sleep. But being that the legal drinking age here is 18, we had 30+ minors that had just become legal that morning... so there was drinking to be had. I skyped Dustin one more time (he was now on Aussie time) and layed down for the first night of sleep in 2 days. What seemed to have been a never-ending roller coaster of a day had finally ended. This had only completed Day 1 of "Culture and Adventure" week. There were things to be discovered and much fun to be had, starting with Brekkie at 7am...