Monday, May 2, 2011

Week 3

Beginning of Week 3 and things were still changing. As if 6 hours of class just wasn't enough for a Monday... let's add another 2. For those of you not keeping track or just poor at math, that equals 8 HOURS of class. If you're thinking that I need to "man up" because that is like a "regular work day", I beg to differ. 8 hours of class is kinda like having 8 hours of meetings in one day. Raise your hand if that sounds like fun... Yea, I didn't think so.  It's painful. But I took this on for 2 reasons: The first, an hour after my last class gets out is my Yoga class. So no matter how hard the day was I can breathe, relax, and get myself ready to take on  more. The second reason, is that it's a Monday. What better day to be strained and dread completely?! It can only get better from there, right?!??  Well, I think so.

This is when I realized that the rest of my trip was going to fly... already on week 3 of classes and a month into the trip. When I think about the things I'm missing at home (friends, boyfriend, food, work, family gatherings, etc) time is standing still. But when I think about the amount of time I've been here, all the friends I've made, and how I'm already knee deep in school - I can't keep up! My mind is still back in Brisbane sometimes.

Knee deep in school, you ask? Why yes, let me explain... Projects and assessments were starting to creep up. I'm not sure what was happening to me. I am the queen of procrastination but with these huge projects, I was preparing them 2 weeks in advance and planning & outlining nearly 4 weeks in advance, I was a new person.

This was the week where patterns started forming. The pattern I'm referring to is an afternoon nap. These mornings are starting quite early and snooze really isn't an option if you want breakfast, so "nap" starting appearing on my To Do list. Might as well check things off!

One of the American girls (Kalyn) became ill and finally went to the hospital... for 3 days. Even though we weren't bff's by any means, hearing the updates gave me a weird feeling. I felt awful for her. Poor thing was 10,000 miles away from home, stuck in the hospital with her "new friends" and enduring awful, immobilizing pain. It was a long week for her. The worst part? They had no idea what happened - educated guesses being a spider bite. (You mean a spider like the huge one I saw just outside of my room??) My heart just hurt for her because family wasn't here and nothing was familiar... thank gosh her mom arrived a few days later. Mom and pain pills was the comfort that she needed, I think. I wasn't there, but from what I understand it was a dreadful experience.

I really started missing Egypt Valley Country Club this week. Ever since I was 16, I've had a job. And ever since I've been a freshman in college I've had 2 jobs working full time. I thought that I was going to enjoy the few months off... but truth be told, I missed working. As much as those crazy golfers make me nuts, I really enjoy my job. And many of the people I work with. I fully planned on taking advantage of the next month off... but was certainly ready to get back to the normal.

Afternoon naps needed to be a priority with the weekend that was coming up. Brace yourself.