Sunday, November 21, 2010

The week that stole my joy.

This week was certainly a rough one! Australia had to take a backseat as school finally has reared its ugly head. Psych project? See ya later 4 days... and those are 4 days I can never get back! Meanwhile the rest of my life was waiting on hold....

But I was unpleasantly reminded of all that is left on my To Do list when I woke up in a panic at 9am and couldn't fall back asleep because my mind was racing so fast that I was convinced there weren't enough days in this week to catch up. So out of bed I went and started digging back into this list: First up, figure out travel arrangements. Dates, locations, prices... ugh. HELP!!! This process is turning out to be far more complicated than what I originally thought. Back in August, when my uncle was so excited to help me get a "complimentary" plane ticket from a friend, I thought, "Yessssss. Check that off my list. Just one more thing I don't have to worry about! Or pay for."  El wrong-o. Seriously. Turns out, it would be easier to pay $1,500 for the group flight to Australia just to ensure somebody is waiting for you at the gate. But is $1,500 worth my 'peace of mind'? Guess we'll find out. I have 10 days to have my ticket in hand.  Yea. No pressure.

Next up, loans!!  All of my teammates, if you will, must have gotten a little busy. I sent out an email to two people concerning applying for extra loans... and have yet to hear back from either of them; a week later. My biggest fear at this point is to apply for loans and be denied because of a simple mistake that could have been avoided. Sianara, Australia. Sianara Emily's sanity. I wish just ONE of them would email me back with a simple, 'yes, apply for that amount'.  Do I wait until they get back to me?   Do I bug them again?  Do I just apply with my best educated guess?  I don't know... but I do know that I need to apply pronto if I want any chance of completing this journey... 2 months is not a lot of turn around when it comes to the government loaning you money. But I'm sure ya'll have experience with the governments speedy services...

This week I also received a facebook message from a friend. It was about 5 lines long and when I was finished reading it, I was certainly wearing my sad face. The message was from Jen. Jen is the girl that was originally going to Australia... then changed her mind... and about a month ago decided that she was going!! I was soooooo EXCITED!! She got her passport, talked to my study abroad advsiors, financial advisors... the whole nine yards. And gosh, I was pumped to have somebody to share this trip with. In a way, have a partner in crime to experience their culture with, yet still feel free to talk about 'home' with. This short message explained that because of life circumstances, she just couldn't go. And I get it. Life happens. But I didn't realize just how crushed I would be that she wasn't going! On the bright side, this does open up the door for me to branch out and create a 100% fresh start; meet all new faces, and create brand new memories and experiences. It is a bummer that the little bit of home I was taking with me, is now staying home.

On the upside, I thought I was only half way done with my struggles with classes. But turns out, I should be all set!  Please understand that should is the key word. BUT if there is a problem, I won't find out until I'm already in Australia, days before classes start. So at that point, they could tell me they lost all of my luggage and I'll be staying in a tent until June, and I'd still hug the messenger just because I'm in Australia.

But seriously... for the record: Please keep your fingers crossed they don't lose my luggage.

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